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Twig + Tale is a magical place where time slows down and imaginations run wild. A printable sewing pattern transforms into a journey. Natural, recycled fibres become whimsical coats and wings. Here, all skill levels are welcome and anything is possible. Creativity and community abound.



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Print-at-home sewing and embroidery patterns for your next storybook adventure.
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Print on your regular home printer or send to a copy shop. Choose to print only the size lines you need.
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Line up the pages like a giant, easy, jigsaw puzzle, then tape them together.
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We believe in slow sewing and wonder. Our Waldorf-inspired clothing patterns guide you through every step of the sewing process.
Need a helping hand? See your project unfold using our video tutorials, email us your questions directly, or chat with our friendly community of more than 25K members for tips and inspiration.

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gender neutral

gender neutral

Simple-to-sew and thoroughly tested, our patterns ensure sewers of all levels can achieve a beautiful result
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Beginner sewer? You can do it! Our famously detailed tutorials and videos teach you new skills as you sew.
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Play Friendly
Whether it’s imaginative play or meaningful work, we design with movement, comfort and durability in mind.
Our patterns are designed to work together. Expand your pattern with creative add-ons and interchangeable elements
Recycle Friendly
Mindful of Mother Earth, we include an "upcycle guide" in each pattern to help you select suitable natural materials.